Plugin Tag: index
Index WP MySQL For Speed
(85 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Speed up your WordPress site by adding high-performance keys (database indexes) to your MariaDB / MySQL database tables.
Heroic Table of Contents
(8 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Heroic Table of Contents is the easiest way to add a table of contents to your site.
Name Directory
(76 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Name directory (glossary) with many options like multiple directories, integrated search, non-latin characters, recaptcha, HTML editor and many more.
(21 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Wordpress indexes made easy! EasyIndex makes post indexes, recipe indexes, product indexes and more in just minutes. Easy to use, easy to customize.
Index WP Users For Speed
(4 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Do you have thousands of users on your WordPress site? Look them up fast. Find authors more easily. Speed up your laggy dashboard.
(1 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Add a checkbox in page, post, and custom type settings to instruct search engines not to index the content, excluding it from robots.txt and sitemap.
Rapid URL Indexer for WP – Index Websites in Google
(0 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Get your URLs indexed on Google quickly and reliably with Rapid URL Indexer. Pay only for successfully indexed URLs or get your credits back.
Excerpt Image Link
(0 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)A plugin which looks for <IMG> tags in the excerpt and, if found, wraps them with a link to the post permalink.
Featured Posts
(0 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Display a featured post on your index.php or category pages.
A-Z Indexing startup
(5 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)This is a simple plugin that provides an A-Z index of the posts displayed on a particular page based on the post title.
TinyMCE Table of Contents
(0 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Completely automated and instantaneous way of generating tables of contents for posts.
Thesis Footer Tool
(0 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Provides a simple way to manage items in and around the footer of a Thesis Theme.
(2 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Lexicographer creates an alphabetical index of your blog, using keywords you choose. The index can be included in any page, post or text widget.
Search Engine Visibility Warning
(0 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Show a warning message when your blog visibility is blocked for search engines. Also, hides the de-indexing option.
Index Press
(0 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Provides a standard index of content in your site using a short code. Sorts results into alphabetical listings.
A to Z Category Navigation Widget
(0 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)This Widget will show A-to-Z listing of all the categories and its subcategories in alphabetical order
Fast Post Lists
(1 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Provide shortcodes to display a filtered list of posts, grouped by category/tag, with optional thumbnails.
Latest Post
(0 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Displays your most recent post as a featured post, on only the first page of your Wordpress blog
ArchivesPress: Index Blocks for WordPress
(0 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Display indexes based on the dates (years, months, and days archives), authors, and taxonomy terms for quick navigation and filtering of posts.