Plugin Tag: sendgrid smtp
GoSMTP – SMTP for WordPress
(3 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Send emails from your WordPress site using your preferred SMTP provider like Gmail, Outlook, AWS, Zoho,, Sendinblue, Mailgun, Postmark, Sendg …
SMTP – 100% Free & Open Source SMTP plugin for WordPress – Bit SMTP
(10 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Enable SMTP plugin to authenticate mail service of your site by configuring SMTP server of your desired mail service. Connect any SMTP like MailGun SM …
WP SendGrid SMTP
(3 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)WP SendGrid SMTP plugin let you can connect SendGrid SMTP to your WordPress website for sending emails. It bypasses the normal WP mail function and se …
SMTP for SendGrid – YaySMTP
(1 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)Send emails from WordPress through SendGrid using SMTP by YayCommerce
Kingmailer WordPress SMTP
(0 کۆی گشتیی هەڵسەنگاندنەکان)SMTP for sending user registration emails, order emails, contact form emails.