FortGuard Spam Protection


FortGuard is a state-of-the-art spam detection API for commenting systems, forums, email clients, and many other applications.


  • Real-time spam detection
  • Access to state-of-the art LLMs
  • Spam threshold
  • Spam by location
  • Spam by language
  • Supports any language
  • Spam by sentiments

Useful Links



  • You must have a FortGuard account and a FortGuard Project to use this plugin.
  • If you do not have a account yet, sign up now and create a project.
  • If you do have a FortGuard account but no project for your WordPress site, create a new project now.
  • Copy your Project API KEY.

In the WordPress admin panel,

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New
  2. Type fortguard in the search box
  3. Find FortGuard Spam Protection by Hyvor
  4. Click Install Now
  5. Activate the plugin
  6. Go to FortGuard plugin
  7. Add FortGuard API Key and click Save. (You can find you API Key at the console.)
  8. Configure your preferred spam detection criteria and click Change. (You may change these criteria at any time.)


Do I need an API key to use this plugin?

Yes. You need to sign up at FortGuard to get an API key.


هیچ پێداچوونەوەیەک نەنووسراوە بۆ ئەم پێوەکراوە.

بەشداربووان و گەشەپێدەران

“FortGuard Spam Protection” نەرمەواڵەیەکی سەرچاوە کراوەیە. ئەم کەسانەی خوارەوە بەشدارییان تێدا کردووە.




  • Introduced FortGuard WordPress plugin.